Jumat, 12 September 2014


by Aris Priyanto, Pengawas Dinas Pendidikan Kota Yogyakarta
Curriculum, as stipulated in Law Number 20 Year 2003 about National Education System, is a set of plans and management regarding the purpose, content, teaching materials and methods used by learning organization to achieve specific educational goals. Curriculum is dynamic and always requires change and renewal in order to meet the internal and external demands and challenges.
How to arrange the most ideal curriculum for Physical Education (PE) subject is not easy to answer. Because, in the end, curriculum is the result of agreement among various stakeholders, including policy makers, education experts, and practitioners e.g. core teachers, instructors, superintendents, and teachers in general. Based on Regulation of Education Minister Number 69 Year 2013 about Curriculum Framework and Structure for Junior High School, Physical Education (PE) Subject is included in Group B, as mandatory subject, with time allocation 3 (three) hours per week in class X, XI, and XII.
In implementing Curriculum 2013, it is expected that teachers use scientific approach in the learning process as stated in Regulation of Education Minister Number 65 Year 2013 about the Process Standard. Consequently, teachers have to be creative in designing a good planning that can be implemented well in order to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the achievement of graduation competence.
Key words: Curriculum 2013, Physical Education (PE) learning, scientific approach, planning

One of the most difficult challenges for education in this globalization era is how to prepare Indonesian people to be intelligent, excellent, and competitive. Having intelligent, excellent, and competitive human resources, we will be able to make partnership and compete at a global level.
Ministry of National Education has launched curriculum 2013 in the academic year 2013/2014, started on Monday July 15, 2013. This curriculum has been implemented at limited number of pilot schools. It is expected that all elementary schools (SD), junior high schools (SMP), senior high schools (SMA) or vocational schools (SMK) be ready to do so in the academic year 2014/2015. It means that the old program must be completed until the academic year 2015/2016. Based on the Circular Letter of the Minister of Education and Culture No.156928/MPK.A/KR2013 dated 8 November 2013 about the implementation of Curriculum 2013 that in the academic year 2014/2015, together with the Ministry of Religious Affairs will implement the curriculum at all educational units in 2013: Elementary School at class I, II, IV, V. Junior High School at class: VII, VIII, and Senior High School at  X, XI throughout Indonesia.
Promoting competence of Physical Education (PE) teachers at Junior High School Senior High School about learning based on curriculum in 2013 includes: changing of mindset, understanding and an open attitude towards the interpretation of the curriculum in 2013, the analysis and development of teaching materials, the understanding and practice of creating lesson plans  and its implementation by using scientific approach and a variety of learning models, as well as an understanding and practice of authentic assessment.
Teachers have a very important and strategic role in guiding, directing, and educating students.  Their roles are so important that teachers’ position is not replaceable by anyone or anything, including advanced technology.  Consequently, teacher must obtain the widest opportunity to develop professionalism and be dignified to prepare excellent and competitive human resources. With the implementation of the curriculum 2013, teachers are required to improve their competence to be successful in creating effective learning using the scientific approach and authentic assessment.

The backgroung of Curriculum 2013
                Organizing education as mandated by the Act No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System is expected to realize the developing of the students’ personal qualities as the future generation. It is believed that students as future generation are determinant factor for the growth of the nation and the state of Indonesia.
                Curriculum is one of important educational elements that make a significant contribution to the development process of realizing the potential quality of the learners. So there is no doubt that a well-developed curriculum based on competence is significant as an instrument to direct learners to be: (1) qualified human being that is able to proactively respond to the challenges and ever-changing of era, and (2) an educated person who is faithful and obedient to Almighty God, having good behavior, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and (3) democratic and responsible citizens.
                Curriculum as defined in Article 1 paragraph (19) of Law No. 20 of 2003 is a set of plans and management regarding the purpose, content, and teaching materials and methods used to guide the organization of learning activities to achieve certain educational goal. Curriculum2013 development is the follow up Competency Based Curriculum Development that has been initiated in 2004 and 2006, which includes attitudes, knowledge, and skills in an integrated manner. Curriculum 2013, which put into effect from the academic year 2013/2014 meets the second dimension.
                The rational of curriculum 2013 development was based on internal factors related with the educational conditions associated with the demands of education, which refers to the eight (8) National Education Standards namely: content, process, graduation competency, educators and education personnel, facilities and infrastructure, management, finance, and educational assessment. Other internal challenge is how to transform from productive human resources into competent human resources through education and skills so they don’t be a burden. External challenges related to future challenges, competencies needed in the future, public perception, the development of knowledge and pedagogy, as well as various negative phenomena which arise.

Curriculum Structure of Senior High School and Vocational School (SMA/MA/SMK/MAK)
                Curriculum Structure consists of Group A, B, and C. Group A and B are compulsory subjects that must be followed by all learners, Group C consits of  specialization subjects which are followed by learners according to their talents, interests, and abilities. This grouping is intended to implement the principle of equality between High School and Vocational School. There are 9 (nine) compulsory subjects with time allocation 24 hours per week. Groups of specialization subjects for SMA / MA consists of 18 hours per week at class X, and 20 hours per week at class XI and XII. Groups of specialization subjects SMK / MAK 24 hours each per class. Groups of specialization subjects SMA / MA has characteristic as academic subject, while at the SMK / MAK is vocational. This structure puts the principle that learners are the subjects in the study and they have the right to choose according to their interests.
Table 1: The curriculum 2013 framework based on Regulation of Education Minister Number 69 Year 2013 for Senior High School (SMA/MA and SMK/MAK)
Time Allocation per week
Group A (Compulsory)

Religious and Moral Education
Pancasila and Citizenship Education
Indonesian Language
Indonesian History
English Language
Group B (Compulsory)

Culture and Art
Physical Education
Handy craft and Entrepreneurship
Time Allocation Group A and B
Group C (Specialization)

Academic Specialization (SMA /MA)
Vocational Specialization (SMK /MAK)
Time allocation per week for SMA/MA
Time allocation per week for SMK/MAK
Total time allocation (SMA/MA/SMK/MAK)

PE Teacher Task Analysis
The uniqueness of PE  teacher task lies in the mission he carried to achieve the comprehensive goals of education. Although the occurrence of learning process is characterized by a variety of physical activities as a learning experience, the whole educational scene, also focused on improving the ability of reasoning and the development of personality traits, according to the characteristics of the curriculum  2013 approach.
            Tousignant and Siedentop (1982) classify tasks performed by PE teachers into 1) managerial tasks, including checking the presence and completeness of clothing. 2) instructional tasks that focus on the transition phase, organizing groups, and placement and setting equipment. PE teacher duties to achieve a satisfactory level of teaching effectiveness includes several dimensions of management: 1) teaching management tasks, 2) behavior management, and 3) management of time and equipment.  PE teacher has role as planners, managers, colleagues, professional physical education, counselor (guidance counselor), and a representative of the school (Siedentop, Herkowitz, and Rink, 1984).
Being a PE teacher is more complicated than that of other subject. As a learning experience that is packed in the curriculum, PE is more complicated for several reasons. First, the objectives are comprehensive, as not only to improve the physical aspect with some relevant elements but also to stimulate the growth and development of organs. Second, the achievement of the intended goals depend on the tasks of teaching, which in this case, in the form of physical activity in the form of play or sport activities. Third, how teaching methods to deliver teaching duties as a stimulus for around growth also contributed to the achievement of educational goals. Fourth, environmental factors include physical aspects, such as sports facilities and infrastructure determine how teaching and learning activities take place.  Fifth, factors and learning atmosphere, which is reflected in the psychological atmosphere of emotional reaction to all school personnel, including teachers and students .
            To achieve these objectives, the key lies in the competence of teachers to manage learning including several management: tasks of teaching, student behavior, tools and sporting facilities, administration, and time.
Scientific Approach in Learning based on Permendikbud RI Nomor 65 Tahun 2013
The Essence Scientific Approach
Learning process can be regarded as a scientific process. Therefore, Curriculum 2013 mandates a scientific approach to be used in learning. The scientific approach is believed to be the golden bridge in the development of attitudes, skills, and knowledge of learners. In the approach or process that meets the criteria of scientific work, it emphasizes inductive reasoning (inductive reasoning) rather than deductive reasoning (deductive reasoning). Deductive reasoning is a common phenomenon to see and then draw specific conclusions. Instead, look at the phenomenon of inductive reasoning or specific situations then draw conclusions as a whole.  Indeed, inductive reasoning put specific evidence in relation to the broader idea. The scientific method generally puts a unique phenomenon with specific and detailed study then formulate general conclusions.
Scientific method refers to investigation techniques towards some phenomenon or symptoms, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. To be called scientific, the searching method (method of inquiry) should be based on evidence of the object that is observable, empirical and measurable with the principles of the specific reasoning. Therefore, the scientific method includes a series of data collection activities through observation and experimentation, information or data processing, analyzing, and then formulating and  hypotheses examination.
Learning Steps using Scientific Approach
The learning process of the curriculum in 2013 to be implemented at all levels by using a scientific approach. The learning process should determine three domains, namely attitudes, cognitive/knowledge, and skills. In the learning process based on a scientific approach, the attitude domain  refers to  learning material that lead students to know ‘why’.
Skill domain refers to the transformation of material substance to lead the students to know ‘how’. Cognitive domain refers to the question about ‘what’. The final result is the improvement of balance between the ability to be a good man (soft skills) and people who have the skills and knowledge to live a decent live (hard skills) that includes attitudes, skills, and knowledge aspects .
Curriculum 2013 emphasizes modern pedagogical dimension in learning, using a scientific approach. Scientific approach includes digging information through observation, questioning, experimentation, and then processing the data or information, delivering data or information, followed by analyzing, reasoning,  drawing conclusion, and creating.
The application of a scientific approach in PE learning
The step of scientific approach in PE learning can be explained as follows:
  1. Observing; Observing means that students are invited to see, either watch the audio-visual or through movements practiced or demonstrated by the teacher. It is intended to explore the thinking of learners, the extent to which early mastery of the material they have. These observations will determine the following step done by the teachers. Observing could be done by viewing such visual or documentary video if the schools have adequate facilities . But for teachers or schools that do not have audio-visual means of support, observing can be done by looking at the display, by direct observation in the neighborhood, to invite students to look outside the school environment , for example observing people’s activity in everyday activities or look at animal behavior . Observations in this learning material must be in accordance with the material or the purpose of learning, so teachers must be good or be selective in choosing the material . For example, in the learning material about under passing in volleyball , then video, images, or caption to be provided should be identical to the good volleyball game, whether it is real or modified game. In addition to observing video learning or observing human activities , a teacher can give examples of images both photos and illustrations , which is associated with learning materials to be delivered . After observing video, images or caption, learners are given the opportunity to give opinion, or a review the new things they have observed. Teachers should provide opportunities as much as possible to students.  With this step the teacher is expected to be able to summarize the opinions and provide conclusions, so the teacher will easily design the next learning step .
  2. Questioning; After all students doing observation, the next step is questioning about under passing material. This activity is to facilitate the students to get to know about the meaning of a movement/motion or basic technique the material submitted. It is expected that questioning happens interactively from both sides, teachers give opportunity for learners to ask, and at the same occasion the teacher should respond question from the students clearly. The next turn, the teacher give questions to students. It is intended that teachers know how far the students’ knowledge so that teachers will easily design the next learning steps.
  3. Experimenting;  in this step, learners are given the opportunity to practise a movement/action based on the observations they have done. In the process of experimenting the teacher should provide an opportunity for all learners to practice a movement skills as much as possible. The role of teacher is observing every movement that learners performed in accordance with the video.  The important thing is all the students dare to try to practice as much as possible without looking right or wrong the movement they perform. The goal is to have all students experience a lot of movement.
In PE learning, the experimenting step is an obligation. This phase gives teachers the freedom for the students to practice what they get from the previous learning step, ie observing, questioning and discussion. One of the materials that will be studied is a big game - under passing volleyball. Passing in a volleyball game is an effort of  volleyball player by using a certain technique that aims to turn over the ball to his friend. The basic element of a good under passing is: (a) to move to take the ball, (b) to set the right position, (c) to hit the ball, (d) to direct the ball towards the target.
To be able to perform basic technic of under passing, students must first be able to understand and know the basic techniques that are in accordance with the material since there are a lot of techniques that must be done starting from sight, body position, foot position, hand position up to the follow throw. With the only technique of under passing with many kinds of techniques, the practice step should have bigger portion. For example, the percentage between explanation and practice can be said to be 20%  versus 80%.
Here is an example of the implementation of the under passing in volley ball : 1) Marching, praying, presence, and apperception; 2) Motivate and explain the purpose of learning;  3) Warming by playing and catching large balls as well as static and dynamic stretching;  4) Under passing basic techniques above means performing under passing begins with bouncing ball to friends and after bouncing on the floor the ball is driven with two arms (individual). Perform under passing the ball bounced in place followed friends while walking forward and sideways motion of the right and left (individual). Perform under passing directly in pairs, in groups, forming a circle formation, or in a line. Doing under passing by pushing the ball, bouncing the ball on the spot, catching while walking forward (individual). Doing under passing begin with bouncing the ball on the spot after the ball bouncing on the floor, it is driven by two arms (individual). Doing under passing while walking right and left in lateral movement (individual).
With the above example the role of a teacher is not dominant, but only to observing and taking notes about what is lacking and must be corrected, or giving appreciation for students who are able to perform in accordance with the right techniques and will be implemented by the teacher at the end of the lesson.
4. Processing; After the students try to do movement skill, the next step is  to repeat the movement skill, especially in parts of movement skills that have not been mastered. Learners should pay attention to the correct step of motion in accordance with what has been on display in the observation step.
5. Presenting; At this stage, learners are given the opportunity by the teacher to present the results of movement skills they do in the previous step. Here the teacher must pay attention to all steps of the movement made ​​by the students during the presentation.
6. Reasoning; in general it is a process of thinking logically and systematically over the empirical facts that can be observed to obtain a conclusion in the form of knowledge. Reasoning can be meaningful resemblance (associating) and can also significantly effect (reasoning). Reasoning could be implemented with a variety of methods including discussion. With discussion it will be many opinions expressed by learners with a wide variety of reasons. The position of a teacher in this step is only as a mediator until all opinions can be expressed. The next step is the teacher concludes from a wide variety of opinions from students. At this step, learners are already able to understand the steps of movement that should be done in accordance with the correct movement pattern.
7. Creating; after the students understand the correct movement patterns that must be done in a movement skill, the students are expected to make practice as much as possible in accordance with the correct pattern of movement. It is possible for them at this step to do variations and combinations of motion techniques.
With the implementation of Curriculum 2013, Physical Education (PE) teachers are required to improve their competence in order to be able to create an ideal learning. In this case, teacher should master how to implement scientific approach and authentic assessment.
PE teachers play an important role in educating the whole child as planners, managers, colleagues, professional physical education, counselor (guidance counselor), and a representative of the school, consequently they should work hard to be more professional. Curriculum 2013 emphasizes on pedagogical dimensions in learning, using a scientific approach, covering gather information through observing, questioning, experimenting, and then data or information processing, presenting data or information, followed by analyzing, reasoning, then making conclusion, and the last is creating.
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Permendikbud RI Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 Tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar   Dan   
Permendikbud Nomor 69 Tahun 2013, Tentang Kerangka Dasar Dan Struktur  Kurikulum
Saud, Udin Saefudin, (2009), Pengembangan Profesi Guru, Penerbit: CV. Alfabeta, 
Sukmadinata, Nana Syaodih, 2009. Pengembangan Kurikulum, Teori dan Praktik. Bandung:  
         PT, Remaja Rosda Karya

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